Bridges to Better text with curved shape on either side.

I conduct research

We know a lot about the impacts of family violence on brain development, lifelong health, academic success, social opportunities and economic status. We need evidence for approaches that prevent violence, create meaningful and positive impacts on survivors and families, and disrupt intergenerational transmission of trauma and oppression.

Black man with long braids holding a large brown dog in his lap, sitting and smiling in conversation with pregnant caucasian woman with long hair holding a red flower.

What if…

we partner with survivors to develop our research questions and design our evaluations?

cluster of red flowers in front of green leaf background

Strategies to Center Survivors in Research and Evaluation

Design New Measures to Advance Equity

Center racial equity in academic research, measures, and instruments. Design new measures and instruments to advance racial equity.

Utilize Trauma-Informed Research Strategies

Develop specific strategies to address and respond to trauma when designing and conducting research with survivors of domestic violence.

Conduct Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) on Domestic Violence

Embrace CBPR in conducting research on domestic violence. By sharing power in research design and co-creating knowledge with survivors, researchers can enhance the utility of their research for improving responses to families.

Connect Research to Policy Change to Benefit Survivors

Help policymakers understand and apply your research by offering policy recommendations that improve the lives of adult and child survivors.

medium skin toned mom holding dark-skinned baby in sling

Research partnerships with survivors and communities can change the trajectory of evidence building and empirical knowledge toward authentic, actionable, and intersectional solutions to family violence. 

What can you do?


Explore the Groundwork for Researchers. Engage peers in dialogue to advance survivor-centered research and evaluation.


Translate existing data/findings to tell a story for local leaders, policymakers and funders about how to create conditions and experiences that help survivors of domestic violence and child maltreatment to grow and heal and thrive.


Watch this webinar from the Indigenous Women’s Resource Center on an Indigenous grassroots overview of participatory research methods.


Learn more about research equity at Chicago Beyond.


Check out our Resource Library for additional tools, training and information. For more research and evaluation tools check out Promising Futures.