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Rethinking Protection: Raising the Bar on Legal & Economic Protections for Survivors & Children

Date: Monday, July 1st 2024 from 3:30-5:00 PM EST Recording: Closed Captioning Flyer Description: The legal structure that undergirds child welfare creates challenges to the safety and well-being of survivors of domestic violence and their children. Mandatory reporting creates a vast surveillance system of low-income children and families, who are disproportionately Black and Indigenous due […]

Rethinking Protection: Alternatives to Mandatory Reporting for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Their Children

Many survivors of domestic violence (DV) report that they feel judged, blamed, and unsupported by caseworkers within child welfare, and that their abusive partners are not held accountable for the harm they cause to children. In multiple states, children’s exposure to DV is routinely reported to a child welfare agency, whether or not it is […]